Data Lake or Data Swamp? Pandemic-accelerated Issue.

On the 27th Jan’21 MakoLab Consulting & MakoLab together with the Enterprise Data Management Council delivered a Data-related webinar:

Data Lake Lake or Data Swamp?
Pandemic-accelerated Issue.

You will find the recording link here
We remain at your disposal should you have any questions or enquiries.

Data is everywhere. It can bring value and it can be garbage. How to avoid getting drowned in the abundance of data? How can you change the way you handle some of your data problems? What common problems crop up in data projects and how they can be avoided? And how to make most out of these data – specifically by applying the most advanced technology innovations?
Both #datawarehouse and #datalake suffer from serious limitations. The #datafabric approach offers reasonable and very promising solutions with its focus on data #semantics , #ontologies , #naturallanguageprocessingnlp#knowledgegraphs, and modern #machinelearning .

We would like to thank our guest-panelists: Jans AasmanRichard WallisAndrzej Grochowalski and our host Mark Zill.
MakoLab Consulting & MakoLab Team: Mirek SopekTomasz StepienRobert Sendacki and all our great teammates who helped us in preparations.

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